5 Things That Helped Me Stop Eating Junk Food 🥯🍕🍦

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Are you sick of the yo-yo dieting that you have been doing since you can remember? I felt this way, so I bought a book called, “Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Emotional Eating,” and it has been a game changer so far!  I am only halfway through it, but here are some takeaways that are changing my relationship with food.  

Allen Carr is best known for his book on how to quit smoking, and he has sold billions of copies.  They take the same strategy as they used with quitting cigarettes and use it to change an emotional eater’s point of view.  Here are some key points he has made.

  1. The relief you get from junk food is actually fake and 10 times worse than the relief you will feel once you are free of this habit. 
  1. They remind you how miserable you feel when you overeat and how you want to avoid HATING yourself in the morning because of it. (PREACH!)
  1. You are like a fly in the venus fly trap, and the food is slowly consuming you, but unlike the fly who will eventually die because he can’t get out, YOU CAN!
  1. You are reminded over and over that junk food is NOT your friend and the feeling of freedom from the addiction well be the true happiness that will come from quitting. 
  1. It reminds you that it is NOT a problem with you and never has been.  It is the addiction and the junk food that is and it NEEDS to go.  

I can’t wait to share more as I read, but I am someone who has struggled all my life with junk food, so if this helps me I’m praying it will help you too.  🙂